Learning Test-Driven Development: Book Review

I am always looking for books that could unlock new possibilities and help me improve my technical skills.  TDD is an area where I consider my experience very limited and where I would like to be inspired.

When this book was published just a couple of months ago I saw an interesting opportunity to refresh my knowledge on this subject and check if what I learned so far and what I have done in my professional experience could be improved.

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Monitoring an Internet Connection using Python

When RaspberryPi 3+ first came out after playing with sensors and an Arduino Uno board for a while, I used it for monitoring wireless and internet connections in different premises. Thanks to the compact size and the low power needed it was the best tool.  I thought it would be interesting to know how consistent the available bandwidth was during the day and eventually know if there were some unnoticed outages happening.

During these years I’ve used similar utilities, but I decided to write and share with you a simpler script that could be implemented quickly and help you to achieve similar results regardless that you run it inside a docker container, virtual machine or raspberry pi.

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