Updating Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2)

I must admit that I’m a very strong fan of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2.  It’s definitely something I’m happy to use every single day, regardless that I have few Linux VMs and a couple of apps running in docker containers on my workstation.

I cannot say that the new version has substantially reduced the number of tools yet, but there is the chance that in the future WSL2 and (Linux) docker containers will be the only things running all the time on my system. The Hypervisor will be just used for running some VMs on demand when needed.

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Windows Subsystem for Linux

After a couple of months of being GA (Generally Available) I was in the WSL bandwagon.

I started using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) for a lot of good reasons, especially in my role as System Engineer. I work on different environments and across various operating systems and in my world virtualization and containers are the rule. My tools of trade are Powershell, BaSH and Python on the so having all of them in the same Operating System is really handy.

I attended Meetup events where WSL was presented, I’ve presented a brownbag myself on WSL, and recently as Techsnips Contributor I’ve create a small video on how to install it. So I’ll try in this article to give you a brief introduction.

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