Apache Is A Swiss Army Knife

There are tools that are extremely useful and once configured properly will last a long time with little or no maintenance required at all. Web servers are a common example of tools that come to my mind that can be a swiss-army knife and serve a lot of purposes.

Whether you choose Apache, Nginx or IIS, just to pick some of the most famous ones, it’s very important to know at least most of the features that they offer. So it’s very important to get familiar with at least one of them, reading the documentation and start experimenting a bit.

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Book Review: Agile Application Security

I’m always looking for books that cover a topic from a different angle or a broader approach, this one is the perfect example, indeed, security-focused but through the magnifier lens or under the influence/culture of Agile.

Working for a Software Development company I found this book a good match for my DevOps/System Engineer role and I put it on my wish list. Six months ago I purchased another book, but guess what happened? Continue reading “Book Review: Agile Application Security”

How to Turn On ADFS Security Auditing with Powershell

Providing the best user experience with a Single-Sign-On  (SSO) capability without compromising security is key of successful implementations of federation services. I personally like the ADFS model and SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) because is robust, effective and suitable from small to large organizations offering an incredible amount of features if it configured/implemented correctly. Continue reading “How to Turn On ADFS Security Auditing with Powershell”