Git Pocket Guide: Book Review

Once again this is not a sponsored review by my 2 cents.

This pocket guide it’s not an introduction to git the best practices, but it will show some options available and will boost your confidence and knowledge to solve most of the common problems. It’s full of practical examples with just enough deep dive into git to show you the things work under the hood.

This book is very good “to show you the tip of the iceberg”. Git, like any other distributed system, is complex, but most of its common features and operations that are easy to understand aren’t so difficult and if you’re not familiar with the CLI, there are plenty of tools to get you started. Continue reading “Git Pocket Guide: Book Review”

PowerShell Dot Sourcing

My career in IT started in Software Development and most of the time I take for granted some of the common practices and basics of programming that I learnt are also clear for every one of my IT Pro colleagues.

In brief, as developers, when we try to solve problems we define objects and writing source code we describe them into classes. That class definition has attributes and methods that let us interact with that object. Continue reading “PowerShell Dot Sourcing”

PowerShell Requires Statements

When we write code we make assumptions on the environment and the correct execution and most importantly obtaining the expecting result strictly depends on it.
I will not touch on software design or testing process, but just focus on an essential foundation that everyone should think to write better code and more efficient. Preventing to revisit code looking for answer the question of why is not working as expected.

Continue reading “PowerShell Requires Statements”

PowerShell Learning and Security Features

Learning PowerShell is really a fast process (especially if you’re not new to programming) where you can be productive in a matter of days or in a month of lunches as Don Jones and Jeffery Hicks said.

But in my humble opinion, there aren’t many online resources that make you pay enough attention on how to run scripts and configure the environment properly in order to leverage all the technology features that Powershell and Windows environment are capable of.

So I’ve decided to add some articles to conquer this problem and help you on your journey, it’s an interesting subject for students and professional developers/it pros at any level of experience.

Continue reading “PowerShell Learning and Security Features”