I wrote a Powershell script to check, apply and remove a workaround for the Windows DNS Server (CVE-2020-1350) if you are unable to apply the patch right away. The Vulnerability affects Windows DNS Servers was announced one or two days ago. Continue reading “CVE-2020-1350 – WINDOWS DNS SERVER – Applying a Workaround with Powershell”
CVE-2019-18935 – Using Powershell to review IIS and Windows Logs (Searching for IoC)
This article can be considered a Cyber-Security article more than a Software Development one for the content and part of the vocabulary that will be used but don’t be scared. I wanted to keep it very practical and to give you a simple example of what type of tools everyone can build or use in certain scenarios like in CyberSec and Incident Response. Continue reading “CVE-2019-18935 – Using Powershell to review IIS and Windows Logs (Searching for IoC)”
Comparing Citrix CVE Verification Tool to a one-liner bash script
Last December NIST announced this vulnerability CVE-2019-19781 and soon after that Citrix published this page CVE-2019-19781 – Vulnerability in Citrix Application Delivery Controller, Citrix Gateway, and Citrix SD-WAN WANOP appliance and released a verification tool supporting clients for finding out if they were vulnerable or not: CVE-2019-19781 – Verification Tool
A verification tool is addressed to an IT specialist who works these solutions and needs to quickly assess if the software or appliance is affected by this vulnerability. Continue reading “Comparing Citrix CVE Verification Tool to a one-liner bash script”