Book Review: Agile Application Security

I’m always looking for books that cover a topic from a different angle or a broader approach, this one is the perfect example, indeed, security-focused but through the magnifier lens or under the influence/culture of Agile.

Working for a Software Development company I found this book a good match for my DevOps/System Engineer role and I put it on my wish list. Six months ago I purchased another book, but guess what happened? Continue reading “Book Review: Agile Application Security”

Application Deployment Troubleshooting with Powershell

As a DevOps, most of my energies are constantly focused on doing or fixing things right from the start with the intention of creating a simple or at least straightforward processes.  But this is not an article on my endless war against technical debt and avoiding shortcuts whenever it’s possible.

the more things change, the more they stay the same

The values and the culture inherited from ITIL, Agile and DevOps massively influenced the whole modern software life cycle.  CI/CD extended to code quality/testing/delivery etc.. In these years should have changed most of our daily tasks or our business-as-usual, right? Well… not yet! Continue reading “Application Deployment Troubleshooting with Powershell”