When I need to upload files on Azure Blog Storage the tools that I generally use are Storage Explorer (installed on my workstation or the web version included in the portal) or AzCopy, but within a script, I would prefer using Azure RestAPI.
Before writing this article I searched similar blogs around this topic, the most interesting one was written by Roger Zander’s blog, the only difference is that I’ve defined a function and validated the parameters, using splatting it is a bit more elegant to read in my opinion. Continue reading “How to upload files to Azure Blob Storage using Powershell via the REST API”
Monitoring an Internet Connection using Python
When RaspberryPi 3+ first came out after playing with sensors and an Arduino Uno board for a while, I used it for monitoring wireless and internet connections in different premises. Thanks to the compact size and the low power needed it was the best tool. I thought it would be interesting to know how consistent the available bandwidth was during the day and eventually know if there were some unnoticed outages happening.
During these years I’ve used similar utilities, but I decided to write and share with you a simpler script that could be implemented quickly and help you to achieve similar results regardless that you run it inside a docker container, virtual machine or raspberry pi.
Continue reading “Monitoring an Internet Connection using Python”
Microsoft Defender PowerShell module and Nagios
Microsoft Defender antivirus is included in every Windows OS and there are many components and options available to manage, protect and monitor endpoints.
I was not surprised a few months ago when I needed to implement a monitoring check for Nagios that there was a dedicated PowerShell module that did exactly what I needed. Continue reading “Microsoft Defender PowerShell module and Nagios”
How to show all known Wi-Fi network SSIDs and Passphrases with Powershell
I think is very important to remember how much information is stored on our laptops over the years, this is the case also for all wireless networks with (SSID and Passphrase) that our OS stores and use to connect automatically.
Retrieving this information can be performed either via the GUI or CLI, but I was never happy with the way the information was presented. Continue reading “How to show all known Wi-Fi network SSIDs and Passphrases with Powershell”