Apache Is A Swiss Army Knife

There are tools that are extremely useful and once configured properly will last a long time with little or no maintenance required at all. Web servers are a common example of tools that come to my mind that can be a swiss-army knife and serve a lot of purposes.

Whether you choose Apache, Nginx or IIS, just to pick some of the most famous ones, it’s very important to know at least most of the features that they offer. So it’s very important to get familiar with at least one of them, reading the documentation and start experimenting a bit.

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Active Directory User Account Lockout Troubleshooting


Active Directory is such an important service that in most organisations after being implemented becomes essential and at the same time suddenly transparent to the end-user.

In my humble opinion even nowadays learning the fundamentals of Active Directory is very important for most support / technical roles and it will be a valuable skill for at least another decade, cloud technologies, for instance, will not make those skills disappear overnight.

Regardless of the size of the organisation who needs to support the end-user needs to understand well how it works or know how to solve the most common issues, in this article we will touch again of a very simple problem to investigate such the AD Account Lockout.

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How to Send Messages to Slack with PowerShell

Collaboration software tools are present in some shape or form in every workplace and if properly implemented and organised will give team members the opportunity of working together not only in an efficient way, but getting the job done while having fun!

Integration with these tools is not just desirable, it’s sometimes required. The nature of instant messaging communication in each workplace may vary depending on the content and information can be volatile and informal or more persistent and organised.

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Cloud Tools for Azure: Powershell, Azure CLI, Azure Cloud Shell


Everything should start with a SOLID plan, not just influenced by the enthusiasm of a successful PoC, briefly tested and blessed/approved by the management where the implementation challenges are hidden in plain sight!

I wanted to write this article since I’ve started scriptinglibrary.com, but I will try to keep this article to a technical level where you can enjoy the first experience and avoid bad ones. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself overwhelmed or lost into the number of services and the possibilities offered by cloud computing. Continue reading “Cloud Tools for Azure: Powershell, Azure CLI, Azure Cloud Shell”