Automation/CM with Package Managers: Chocolatey and Homebrew

Every mobile device has a store app that installs, removes and updates software according to the user demand. Windows and MacOS have their store too for almost a decade. The idea of using a package manager is derived from Linux OS, dpkg almost 25 years ago, but the first one that I’ve used was apt in back in 2000. Apt was not just a installing the package request from the repository but more importantly took care of the dependencies, in short made my life extremely easier in when Open Source was spreading and becoming popular.

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Checking Your Patching History

The world is not perfect and IT systems and software development are no exceptions. Patches are always released for a reason and try to fix bugs and vulnerabilities.

To analyse the full stack of your hosts and devices I suggest starting with the firmware of network devices, bios, drivers, os patches and application updates etc… There are many tools and solutions that can help you to scan your network or your system and gather useful information in a centralised manner.

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