Learning Test-Driven Development: Book Review

I am always looking for books that could unlock new possibilities and help me improve my technical skills.  TDD is an area where I consider my experience very limited and where I would like to be inspired.

When this book was published just a couple of months ago I saw an interesting opportunity to refresh my knowledge on this subject and check if what I learned so far and what I have done in my professional experience could be improved.

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Hello, Startup : book review

The main reason why I was interested in reading this book is because I saw a YouTube video of the author talking at HashiConf’18, I saw that video nearly 2 years later and there were too many things that resonated with my experiences at the time. Yevgeniy Brikman is also the author of “Terraform Up and Running” by O’Reilly, and the founder of Gruntwork the company that created Terratest and made it open-source.

I’ve never worked for a startup, but I think I have and had only some of the skills, mindset knowledge and resilience necessary to work for one. The title “Hello, Startup” with the line “A programmer’s guide to building products, technologies, and teams” was very interesting so I bought it and read it as soon it arrived.

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