This can be considered the least interesting usage of PowerShell and in many ways, not only a source of unwanted interruption, but there are situation where been able to show a toaster or pop-up can be handy.
I was inspired to write this script and article by this scripting guys’ blog post
The script shows a pop-up notification for 15 seconds with a list of Active Directory Users that are locked out, and this script can be schedule to run it every 5 minutes.
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# # Paolo Frigo, # header="".ToUpper() $footer=" This message will close automatically in $TimeOut seconds.".ToUpper() $NameList = "" $TimeOut = 15 #seconds $LockedOutUsersList = Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | Where-Object {$_.enabled -eq $true} if ($LockedOutUsersList.Length -gt 0){ foreach ($AdUser in $LockedOutUsersList){ $NameList += "$AdUser, " } $wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell $wshell.Popup($header+$NameList+$footer,$TimeOut,"AD USERS LOCKED OUT",0) } exit 0 |
By the way, this is not a replacement for proper group policy management of domain account lockout policy, in fact it’s more like an Ops notification with no real-time reaction or trigger by any specific event.